
  • From: "harold kitching" <harold.kitching01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "guide chat" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:46:30 -0000

Subject: B-F Humor: The Truth About Thanksgiving

 The Truth About Thanksgiving
This week America celebrates the holiday of Thanksgiving, or as it is 
known outside the United States, "Thursday."

Families separated for months or years will reunite, and shortly 
afterwards remember why they separated. Throughout the nation, those 
wretched souls condemned to the public school system will breathe a bit 
easier, eager in their anticipation of four days surcease from 
education. The students are pretty happy about the long weekend vacation, too.

Thanksgiving is, of course, a holiday invented by grocers and farmers 
to allow them to sell huge quantities of disgusting
"traditional" foods that no one in his right mind would eat other- 
wise, such as squash. The average squash is a triumph of
minimalism wherein Nature manages to convert mud into a plant without 
bothering to change its texture.

Attempts to improve the mud-like flavor of squash by the addition of 
delicate seasonings and spices have produced dishes that taste, at 
best, like delicately seasoned and spiced mud. A master chef, faced 
with the necessity of making a palatable squash dish, would throw in 
his funny hat and become a short-order cook at Denny's.

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