[guide.chat] From Elizabeth

  • From: "Elizabeth Kay" <ebeth.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Guide.chat" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 15:07:14 +0100

Hello everybody, Elizaabeth again to thank you all for the friendly messages. I 
appreciate what you say but I was a bit taken aback to be dubbed "Queen 
Elizabeth"! However I think I might possibly be the oldest member of guide 
chst. Anybody beat  ninetyfour and three quarters? I have been to Buckingham 
Palace (May 2010)  Can you guess for what reason? Vanessa might be asle to 
research the answer. How I envy her skill with the internet. You are a wonder 
Vanessa.  Love  Elizabeth.

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