[gtk-server] Re: How to access to the pixbuf data

  • From: "Guillaume Legris" <glegris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gtk-server@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 12:02:11 +0200

Hi Peter,

Thanks a lot for your help.

I'll give you feedback soon.

Guillaume Legris

2007/4/30, Peter van Eerten <administrator@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Guillaume,

Reading and writing data at a memory address is easy when you use the
GTK-server as a shared object. When compiling as a standalone
executable however, my definition in the previous mail will not work.
In that case you must send your binary data as a base64-string, and
define BASE64 where I said STRING:

FUNCTION_NAME = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data, NONE, WIDGET, 9, BASE64,

The problem is, of course, that individual processes may not access
each others memory. When the GTK-server is running as a standalone
process, the only way to set a picture is by sending it as base64
encoded binary data. The GTK-server then will allocate memory to store
the data in, but it is a single buffer.

The current GTK-server API does not provide functionality to return
binary data as base64 encoded strings.

If you want to add a call for this, it could look like
'gtk_server_get_data <pointer>':

FUNCTION_NAME = gtk_server_get_data, NONE, BASE64, 1, LONG

Of course you have to implement the base64 encoding as well (currently
only decoding is implemented). Another problem is that you must know
in advance how large the memory will be which contains the binary
data. :-)

Is this what you are looking for...?


Quoting Guillaume Legris <glegris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for your answer.
> As I have to use the client remotely, I need to add new GTK-SERVER
> calls to read/write data at the given address, like:
> gtk_server_set_data, NONE, NONE, LONG (address), BASE64 (data)
> gtk_server_get_data, NONE, BASE64 (data),  LONG (address), LONG (length)
> Am I right ?
> Regards,
> Guillaume Legris
> 2007/4/28, Peter van Eerten <administrator@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi there,
>> First I would define the call 'gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data()' in the
>> configfile as follows:
>> FUNCTION_NAME = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data, NONE, WIDGET, 9, STRING,
>> The keyword 'STRING' in fact represents a C character pointer. If you
>> define your image somewhere in memory, and pass the pointer to that
>> memory as a number here, it should work.
>> If you plan to use 'gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels()' as well:
>> FUNCTION_NAME = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels, NONE, STRING, 1, WIDGET
>> This will return a (char-) pointer, which in fact is a number pointing
>> to memory.
>> Please let me know if this works.
>> Regards
>> Peter
>> Quoting Guillaume Legris <glegris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm writing a (TCP-based) Java client for GTK-server and I need to
>>> draw an array of pixels created from the Java side.
>>> I tried gdk_draw_point (as shown in
>>> http://www.gtk-server.org/fractal.ksh) but it's too slow when there
>>> are too many pixels to write.
>>> I would like using gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data()  and/or accessing to the
>>> pixbuf pixels with gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf)  instead.
>>> How could I pass an array to the gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data() method ?
>>> Is there a way to access to the pixels ?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Guillaume Legris
>> --
>> http://www.gtk-server.org


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