[greenstone_es] Re: [greenstone_es] boton de próximo resultado dentro de una lista

  • From: Diego Spano <diegospano@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: greenstone_es@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:51:41 -0300

Nicolás, algo parecido se publicó en la lista en inglés. Te lo transcribo y
quizas te sirva de base para algo de lo que querés hacer.

************** pregunta original ***************

> When using a browsing classifier, AZCompactList in my case, a format
statement such as [link][Title][/link] ([numleafdocs]) produces something
like the following:


> Apple (3)

> Arugula (5)

> Asparagus (1)


> Apple, Arugula and Asparagus are links which open a bookshelf (classifier
node) containing the documents.  When licking Apple, he same format
statement produces something like:


> Apple (3)

> Apple Pie and Ice Cream ()

> How to make Apple Cider ()

> Varieties of Apples and Their Uses ()


> The last 3 lines are links to the actual documents.  The empty parentheses
indicate that there are no nodes below the document, that is [numleafdocs]
does not exist.


> The Apple line is a link back to the list, closing the bookshelf.  So, the
Greenstone server "knows" when to generate the "close bookshelf" link.  I
would like to be able to detect this myself so I can change the [Title] to
something like "Back to Subject list".  An {if} statement in my format would
look something like this:


> {If}{_test-for-closing-bookshelf_,[link]Back to Subject

> List[/link],[link][title][/link]


> Producing:


> Back to Subject List

> Apple Pie and Ice Cream

> How to make Apple Cider

> Varieties of Apples and Their Uses


> Is there such a test available via a macro or system generated piece of
metadata (like [numleafdocs]) that I can use for the test?

*************************** Respuesta *********************************

After a bit of fiddling, I came up with the following:

If you only have two levels, then you can use something like the following
in CLXVlist format statement:

_If_(\"_cgiargcl_\" eq \"[DocOID]\",close this section,[Title])

If you have more than two, this will give

* section title

** close this section

*** book title

*** book title

*** book title

To get close this section for both the open bookshelves, use
_If_(\"_cgiargcl_\" sw \"[DocOID]\",close this section,[Title])

sw == starts with

This doesn't distinguish between the first and second open bookshelves.

If you wanted to do that, probably using javascript to count the '.' in
_cgiargcl_ (the current open classifier node) and [DocOID] - the oid of the
doc/bookshelf to link to, and compare them would work.

2009/11/13 Nicolás Rucks <nrucks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hola gente,
> cuando uno hace una BÚSQUEDA, y recupera una serie de resultados, en
> primera instancia se ve una lista vertical, y en segunda instancia, un puede
> elegir un documento específico y verlo.
> A partir de ahí existe un parámetro, que yo dejé habilitado, para que se
> muestren los botones de "resultado previo de la búsqueda", y "próximo
> resultado de la búsqueda", para ir pasando los documentos recuperados, de a
> uno.
> (format DocumentSearchResultLinks true)
> Existe un parámetro similar que se aplique a la LISTAS predefinidas (por
> ejemplo un "classify AZList [...]" de título o de autor)?
> Cosa de que a partir de ese listado, también, además de poder ver un
> listado de ítems, cuando elijo uno ítem específico, luego pueda pasar al
> siguiente, sin tener que volver a la lista.
> Desde ya muchas gracias.
> Nicolas Rucks
> Biblioteca Cardini
> Fundación Instituto Leloir

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  • » [greenstone_es] Re: [greenstone_es] boton de próximo resultado dentro de una lista - Diego Spano