[gpodder] Re: gPodder 3.3.0 "Intermission" released

  • From: Joseph Wickremasinghe <jnwickremasinghe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gpodder@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 01:12:57 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Thomas,

I finally got a chance to work on the playlist feature for gpodder. At present 
the only the playlist creation functionality is working, no two-way sync yet. 

One playlist is created per channel, in the podcast folder as specified in the 
device config. The episodes are ordered from oldest to newest, and the playlist 
file is named the same as the channel itself. It probably needs some more 
testing to account for all situations (e.g. one folder per podcast, custom sync 
filenames), and a little more customization, but it should give you an insight 
into the approach I'm taking.

I merged your 3.30 master branch into my forked repo since I wanted to be able 
to include Rafi's sort_date fix, but I don't know if that makes reviewing my 
changes more difficult.

Anyway, the branch is here:


and the commits are:




Let me know your thoughts, and let me know how best to present this in future. 
I'll continue working on this, and add in the two-way sync.


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