[gpodder-devel] Non-human readable directory and file names

  • From: uberChicGeekChick at dystonia-dreams.org (Katy G. B.)
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:53:56 -0700


I've written a lil script that will do what you're looking for Chris.  
Its written in PHP and intergrates gpodder's update.  It does move your 
podcasts' dl directory so its hidden and than your normal directory will 
have names that actually makes sense.  If you have any questions I 
explained in more depth my script in an older posting but feel free to 
email me(read: reply here) and I'll help as soon as I can.  But I 
literally have my script running &checking than moving &alerting me to 
new podcasts pretty much all day long &I'm sure it will do just what 
you're looking for.

Thomas, I'd be fine with the mp3 sync thing if it did two things.  One 
it needs like a command line option for "syncing".  And than right now 
it copies all podcasts.  It would be very useful if there were an option 
to `move podcasts when syncing` &not just copy them.  I have tons of 
podcasts and and often don't have enough hard drive space to two copies 
- even worse I don't have the time to manage two copies, except for 
having tcsh foreach &remove podcasts after syncing.  But anyways just a 
wish list.

/Blessed be,/
/Kaity G. B.->uberChicGeekChick.Com <http://uberChicGeekChick.com/> 
&uberChicks.Net <http://uberChicks.Net/>/
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Thomas Perl wrote:
> Hello, Christoph!
> Christoph Bloch wrote:
>> What about giving the user the choice for how to name the directories
>> and file names?
>> I could be given a proposal (from the title, or that long 098u0348p9435
>> thing) and I could be told that I can choose some name on my own - then
>> it's my own responsibility to find a good file name.
>> Of course, the program would have to check if the name i choose is
>> already in use (and then give an error message and a new chance).
>> For me, unfortunately, the 09438709587345 file names is a killer
>> argument against a nice piece of software I would love to use... I
>> manually choose the files that i want to copy from the general podcast
>> directory to a flash card that goes into my palm, from where I listen to
>> them.
> You can (partially) already do this by activating "MP3 player"
> sychronization in the preferences dialog, and set the custom filename to
> "{episode.basename}". That will use the same filename that is also used
> by the episode. After you have synchronized (Ctrl+S) your episodes, you
> can use "remove old episodes" (Ctrl+K) to free some disk space. The
> episodes will stay in the folder you specified with "MP3 player" sync.
> Does this solve your problem?
> Thomas
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