[gmpi] Re: gstreamer

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 12:36:05 -0400

>Hi all, I'm new to this list and had no time to read all messages
>(they're a lot!). I read some, and if I recall correctly GStreamer in
>not considered in the APIs to review. Do you think it could help?
>I'm not familiar with it, but it seems to have interesting features:
>Arbitrary data types, an interesting memory management (pool of 
>buffers), etc...

gstreamer is interesting, but IIRC it uses a push model rather than a
pull model, and this makes it rather unsuited for the realtime
proaudio uses that dominate GMPI's primary targets. a gstreamer graph
does not execute synchronously, and nodes in the graph can stall the
entire graph.

OTOH, i think that CoreAudio can be used in this way too, so i might
be wrong about its design appropriateness.


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