[gmpi] Re: a little order?

  • From: Urs Heckmann <urs@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:36:41 +0100

Am Dienstag, 11.02.03, um 17:03 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Peter from 

>> From: Steve Harris
>>                       i'd humbly suggest that we start by listing
>> things that we specifically do or do not like about existing plugin
>> APIs.
> Good start !
> My point of view probably is a bit less technical but
> rather related to a commercial aspect, when I comment on VST:
> + fullfills everything that customers asked me these days
> + dead simple
> + meanwhile well documented (probably not well enough for newbies)
> + comes with a handy GUI for Pc & Win
> - no timestamped parameter changes (about to come)
> - not all sources available (should change soon as well)

My VST list:

+ easy GUI design for newbies [OT]
+ Mac/Win/BeOS(V1.0 only)/IRIX
+ very simple (no rockit science C++)
+ a lot of good free source code examples

- no timestamps for everything
- not well documented from host side (opcodes etc.)
- not well documented in many advanced details
- no notification scheme, just dumb data polling
- normalized parameters
- metainfo by callback, not by object (i.e. parameter object)
- poor meta info
- mixed up preset/bank/chunk/parameter scheme (chaotic)
- no _true_ support for arbitrary number of inputs/outputs
- gui intermingled with process (only one gui per plugin)
- adding a parameter needs changes at several callbacks (see above)
- you feel how it grew and grew and grew (intermixed paradigms)
- no MIDI to Parameter mapping
- no shared data between several instances (MacOS 9 at least)
- TimeInfo lacks beat/measure information

VSTGUI-specific [OT]:

+ easy to set up
- interaction model and value representation are encapsulated in 
Controls. This should be seperate
- stacked bitmaps, stacked bitmaps, stacked bitmaps

;)  Urs

> as I said, I'm no techno-head, I just looked from my "how can
> i make the virtual-instruments-lovers happy" point of view
> Peter
> LinPlug Virtual Instruments

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