[gmpi] Re: (Req 5) Re: Reqs Discuss: 1-11

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:05:08 -0800

On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 03:18:05PM -0500, Angus F. Hewlett wrote:
> > It needs to be provided by the host.
> vast majority of this stuff (excepting realtime memory allocation) need
> not -necesssarily- be provided by the host.

Probably true.  As much as I want to see plugins just cross compile and
work, it's a huge task, and a big imposition to expect every plugin
developer to adhere to some big portable runtime.  

Maybe it should just be a separate project, and a reccomendation that if you
want to be portable, use it.

> - provides the possibility for centralised management of certain resources
> (file handles? memory? preferences? threads? debug/trace console?) by the
> host, which may aid in, for example, recovering the host when unloading a
> failed plugin.

memory management definitely should be part of GMPI.  Maybe file management
Plugins could then not have to worry about whether the plugin packaged into
a tarfile, or whatever.  We need a simple 'worker-thread' API.  Debugging
sounds like a good thing to centralize.  Prefs sounds too plugin dependant.

I think we can define a SMALL API that encompasses these things without
providing a massive protable runtime lib.

> - complicates the API significantly

I don't think it is 'significant' complication, if we keep it simple.

Maybe the requirement needs to be reworded some, but I think the idea is
still right.

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