[gmpi] Re: Plugin manager

  • From: "Andrew \"Silver Blade\" Greenwood" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 14:43:32 -0000

> Hello.
> It would be odd if a plugin manager would be part of the GMPI
> as there are many other plugin formats.
> Such managing should not be host specific either because
> different hosts then would have their own systems, which causes
> too much managing job. If the plugin system need any management,
> the change must be done in every host, or what?
> I see this plugin managing thing comparable to the sound managing.
> Each application which uses sounds should know how I have organized
> the sound library. Maybe another standards for both?
> Or, such managers could be GMPI plugins itself. If I'm happy
> with XYZ manager for sounds and UVW manager for plugins, I could
> use them with any GMPI host I need. I would manually manage only
> the XYZ and UVW plugins.

I personally would like to see GMPI having some plugin management
capabilities as part of its API (if thats the right tla...)

This would enable host applications to manage plugins by using GMPI, and
therefore not have to worry about anything like caching plugin information
as new ones are detected, etc.

However I would also like to see a non-host-specific plugin manager, too,
which would enable you to do things like rename plugins possibly, add,
delete, etc. from outside of a host.

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