[gha] Re: (peace from harmony) Re: Cultures and Creative Education + Them Harmonious Direction

  • From: Bruce Cook <cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: peace-from-harmony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 08:06:55 -0500

Dear Rene,

I commend you on your article and your thinking.

It's a privilege to be working with you.


Bruce L. Cook, Ph.D.
President, GHA-USA
Vice-President, GHA
Director of CSSS Publishing and Editorial team

Publisher and Editor
President, World Writers Resources, Inc.
Author, *Harmony of Nations: 1943 – 2020*, Just Fiction Editions, 2012
7337 Grandview Ct.
Carpentersville, IL 60110 USA

Personal page:

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Leo Semashko <leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> **
>  Dear Rene,
>  Thank you very much for your very valuable article on *“Rapprochement of
> Cultures and Creative Education*” (below), which I was happy to publish
> on your personal page: *www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=272*.
> For all the undeniable merits of these ideas developed by the UN and
> UNESCO, they, unfortunately, have no understanding the center of this
> rapprochement and this education. They did not answer the main logical
> question: what is social and scientific basis, they are possible? Without
> answering this question, they remain an unreal dream and utopia that does
> not lead us out of "the old slavery of falsehood" as you evaluated
> modernity in one of your article. That is equivalent, in my definition, to
> "the old slavery in total ignorance of harmony."
> Unfortunately, the UN and UNESCO remain within this old slavery of total
> ignorance in harmony, which does not allow them to see, understand, and
> deeply aware this center in the global (universal, eternal, natural,
> divine) harmony.
> It is the first scientifically and systematically disclosed in *the ABC
> of Harmony*. We should encourage the UN and UNESCO to study this ABC to
> start building a global harmonious education in it. Do you agree with that?
> Are you ready to promote *the ABC of Harmony*? You wrote a great review
> of this book: "*The ABC of Harmony *In a New Axial Age Perspective": *
> www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=506*. You are one of its 76
> coauthors. Of course, begs the question: do you want and are willing to
> promote it in the United Nations and UNESCO, with which you are familiar?
> And in your Association of World Citizens?
> Promotion of *the ABC of Harmony* in these areas will be new and turning
> step in the development of Rapprochement of Cultures and Creative
> Education. So there is no better rapprochement and better creativity and
> education than harmony. Do you agree with that? If you agree, please,
> proceed in this direction. And if you do not agree with this, then let us
> know what you think in the society is better than harmony? Thank you.
> With love, best harmony wishes,
> Leo
> Dr Leo Semashko:
> State  Councillor  of  St.  Petersburg,
> Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony;
> Director:  Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia;
> Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA);
> Director, GHA Website "Peace from Harmony": www.peacefromharmony.org
> World Interfaith Harmony Project on the ABC of Harmony Base:
> www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=541;
> GHA Program Book, The ABC of Harmony:
> www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478;
> P/Web page: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=253;
> Address: 7/4-42 Ho-Shi-Min Street, St. Petersburg 194356, Russia
> Phone: 7 (812) 597-65-71; Skype: leo.semahko
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/leo.semashko?ref=tn_tnmn
> ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Wadlowz@xxxxxxx, Wadlowz@xxxxxxx
>   To: leo.semashko@xxxxxxxxx
>   Sent: 15 июня 2013 г., 13:54:44
>   Subject: Cultures and Creative Education
>   Rapprochement of Cultures and Creative Education
> Rene Wadlow*
>          The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the Decade
> 2013-2022 as the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures
> building on the efforts in the UNESCO General Conference which had called
> for “the development of a universal global consciousness” based on dialogue
> and cooperation in a climate of trust and mutual understanding and for a
> “new humanism for the twenty-first century.” The Rapprochement of Cultures
> is a positive aspect of the process of globalization.
>             Globalization is an empirical process of world integration
> driven by a variety of economic, cultural, political, and ideological
> forces as seen in such areas as market expansion, a global production
> pattern as well as cultural homogenisation.  In the fields of economics,
> politics, technology, environment and health, we see greater collaboration
> and interdependence.  Now, international conferences, common trade
> agreements and multinational projects are striving to find solutions to
> long-standing difficulties and to promote development in areas where the
> problems have become too great to be resolved by a single State.  We are
> learning, out of necessity, that competition has its limits.  To give one
> example, many of the issues in trade negotiations which go on in Geneva
> where I am an NGO Representative to the United Nations are about labour
> standards, environmental policies and human rights (such as products
> fabricated by child labour).  These are all deeply domestic matters which
> have now become part of international affairs.
>          Has education been changing as quickly as the world economy?  How
> are we preparing students to meet the demands of the world society?  What
> role are schools playing in the formation of active world citizens able to
> make real contributions to the creation of a more peaceful society? Are we
> building the foundations of a New Humanism?
>          Education is uniquely placed to help deal with the major problems
> facing the world society: violent conflict, poverty, the destruction of the
> natural environment, and other fundamental issues touching human beings
> everywhere.  Education provides information, skills and helps to shape
> values and attitudes.
>          It is true that education is not limited to the formal school
> system.  There are many agents of education: family, media, peers, and
> associations of all sorts.  Nevertheless, schools play a central role, and
> people expect schools to be leaders in the educational process.
>  Unfortunately, there are times when schools are left alone as the only
> conscious instrument of education.  Therefore, teachers need to analyse how
> other agents of society contribute to the educational process or, more
> negatively, may hinder the educational process or promote destructive
> attitudes and values.
>          Education has two related aims. One is to help the student to
> function in society, be it the local, the national, and the world society.
>  The other aim is to help in the fullest development of the individual’s
> physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual capacities.
>          There are three related ways to help prepare students for a
> fast-changing world in which people, ideas, goods and services increasingly
> cross State frontiers. These ways are related to:
> 1)     skills,
> 2)     content,
> 3)     values and attitudes.
>          There is a need to teach those skills needed to be able to
> function effectively in the world: skills of goal setting, analysis,
> problem solving, research, communication, and conflict-resolution skills.
>  We need to place more emphasis on communication skills in our schools with
> an emphasis on personal expression through language and the arts.  Children
> need opportunities to acquire skills in writing, speech, drama, music,
> painting and other arts in order to find their own voices and expressions.
>          The second area of importance concerns the content of education
> with an emphasis on modern history and geography, ecology, economics,
> civics, and the history of science and technology. There is also a need to
> organize a curriculum through the use of broad themes such as
> interdependence, change, complexity, culture and conflict.
>          The third area concerns values and attitudes needed for living in
> a global society: self-confidence in one’s own capacity, concern and
> interest in others, an openness to the cultural contributions of other
> societies.  There needs to be a willingness to live with complexity, to
> refuse easy answers or to shift blame to others.  In practice, a good
> teacher makes a personalized combination of all these elements.
>          One must be realistic in evaluating the difficulties of
> restructuring educational systems to make them future oriented and open to
> the world.  We all know the heavy structures of educational systems and the
> pressures to conform to the status quo.  We must not underestimate the
> narrow nationalistic pressures on the teaching of social issues or the
> political influences on content and methods.
>          In order to understand the limits and the possibilities of
> change, teachers must be prepared to carry out research on the local
> community.  They must be able to analyse their specific communities.  It is
> always dangerous to make wide generalizations on the role of the family,
> the media, of religion as if it were always the same in all parts of the
> country or the same in all social classes and milieu.
>          Thus, teachers should be able, with some sociological training,
> to carry out studies on the formation of attitudes, values and skills of
> their students by looking at the respective role of the family, the content
> of the media, and student participation in associations.  Such studies can
> be carried out in a cooperative way among several teachers so as to be able
> to go to greater depth.  Teachers could look for information to help answer
> such questions as “Are any groups excluded from participating in the
> community?”  “How can possible marginalisation be counteracted?”  “How can
> one study environmental and ecological issues locally?”  “What is the
> significance of different role models such as peers, parents, and
> educators?”  “In what ways can non-formal and informal learning
> environments be furthered?”
>          There are more and more teachers who realise the direction of
> current world trends.  Migration puts other cultures on one’s door step.
> Thus, the importance of creative efforts for the Decade of the
> Rapprochement of Cultures. We all need to be encouraged by the advances
> being made.  We can help one another so that we may develop the culture of
> peace and active world citizenship together.
>     Rene Wadlow, President, Association of World Citizens
>  __._,_.___
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  • » [gha] Re: (peace from harmony) Re: Cultures and Creative Education + Them Harmonious Direction - Bruce Cook