[geocentrism] Re: earth turning

  • From: "John Roodt" <johnroodt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:21:26 +1000

Thanks, that was great.

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 4:48 PM, philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

>  No need to read past this point...this is just for fun... I have some
> trivial questions
> John not trivial at all, and I am always in for some fun.
> Regarding an old Earth...I'm happy to accept it because Jesus already
> demonstrated it by turning water into a really good wine. Is it possible to
> chemically detect the age of a wine? The age of it I am not sure.
> Remember the old sailing ships used to carry wine in ballast tanks to
> artificially age it..  ( the rolling )  so can they detect a cultivated
> pearl?
> And if so, what would we have noticed about the wine that Jesus turned the
> water into? Just curious -- I'd appreciate any insight. Personal opinion
> is that He would have made perfect wine. with a capital P. Even though He
> merely had to make it better with less pollutants than the cheap wine
> ....Another thought crosses my mind. What about some spiritual effect..After
> all He would not have needed to use alcohol. It could have even still been
> water, but of course we know it was wine. I am reminded of my occult
> experimental days when I played with Hypnotism. We were a group of young
> teenagers. We easily got people drunk on imaginary water, and sober again
> just as quickly. The Priest accused me of playing with the Devil .. Today I
> agree, but then I alluded to my altruism, and how we used it for curing ills
> like smoking, which was our most common request. Of course the whole thing
> led me further away from God, the Church, and into deeper occultism..even
> joining the rosicrucians... I was lucky by the grace of God to get out of
> there. I was tested and told to pour a bottle of beer down the sink.. This
> is all alone in my own mind in a secluded room , mumbo jumoing over a candle
> flame, turning its colors red and blue. I did pour it down the sink.. But I
> never got so stupid that way again.. I loved my beer and still do.
> And, by the way, I'd take a fun bet that Adam and Eve did not have
> belly-buttons.  Well we cannot prove it either way. But it is logical, and
> God had no reason to prove His work, that just as he created rings of age,
> and not hollow trees, so likewise Adam had a navel, so that the
> genetic information was available for his progeny.
> I know protestants accuse Lourdes as being of the devil.. With the
> scientists of the day, they had a vested interest in finding an alternative
> reason. Science had to accept the evidence, but claimed it had to be a
> scientific reason that they were not able yet to explain. Today of
> course most just say it did not happen.
> But the French acadamy of science still has the records with those in the
> Vatican, (insisted by the Roman Authorities) of straight out creation...
> virtually out of nothing. a crippled man with no bone in his leg walks with
> a new bone instantly. Now to be compatible that bone had to be 18 years old,
> his age at the time. Work of the devil, work of God, or unknown power of the
> mind in science, it does not matter... Creation from nothing was proven.
> But there was a more disturbing problem for the good doctors of the time.
> And this one contradicts my presumption that Adam had to have a navel. This
> type of miracle is repeated in history in many myths. But at Lourdes, the
> church insisted on and paid for the sceptical acadamy to keep a scientific
> examinal presence. People came every day, but miracles didn't. In this case,
> the man virtually had no eyes..  actually no pupils...He was blind to all
> light. Afterwards, and for years he had normal sight... yet his eyes were
> physiologically unchanged...no pupils. Now that is some illusion!
> What about our feet and ears continuing to grow all of our lives? Scary
> thought! I am not sure what you mean here.  Perhaps replacement? I knew a
> woman working in my electrical business, around 30 years of age , who was
> already growing her third set of teeth, those that were extracted. and some
> pushing out the others needing extraction. She was no saint.. Here is a
> point for science. But it "aint" a miracle.
> What do you think Adam and Eve looked like after 900 years? A cross between
> Dumbo and a Hobbit? I have somewhere an interesting article by a brilliant
> woman Solange Hertz and advocate of geocentrism extreme, who wrote an
> article on Eden.. What it was like for Adam and Eve.. did they sex..would
> they have had children.. did they poo. Their physiology. They were sustained
> by the fruit of the tree of life. With their exile, they no longer had
> acces, and so their lives slowly came to an end, and each generation went
> downhill. So I reckon at 900 they probably looked like 90.. today. Eden
> fascinates me. Myth has it that it still exists on earth protected by a veil
> maintained by God.  Elias and Enoch are supposed to be there as they did not
> die the death. Allegedly training the babys developement , the dead unborn ,
> and the unbaptised innocents of limbo..  From whence Enoch to the jews and
> elias to the gentiles  shall come in the end times to do battle with
> antichrist, die and be ressurrected, visibly if not in reality, to the
> dismay of the antichrist followers. In full TV color no doubt.
> There must be a lot we don't know about the human body. Maybe some of the
> vestigial organs or junk DNA once served a useful purpose -- or would if we
> lived long enough.  Evolutionists will point to these as proofs, of their
> theory.. I prefer it to be as you say proof of our devolution.. I have
> jokingly referred to the full blooded Aboriginal in Australia as proof of
> the missing link.. Science has to shrink from that less they be called
> racist, a modern NO No. So I love to keep throwing it at them.  However they
> are most certainly the result of degeneration as civilisation expanded away
> from the God centre.
> Hmmm I did rave on a bit..  hope it ws worth it..
> Phil
> John

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