[geocentrism] Re: accuracy

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:16:25 +1000

Whilst on the subject of math when about 13years of age I argued with the 
teacher that 
1/0 =infinity was not true because I reasoned that as zero was nothing , it 
could not be a divisor. As he ridiculed me in front of the class, I grew 
stronger..  Ha !  he can't answer me. Lots of teachers like that.   Later of 
course I worked it out when I got down to a divisor of 0.0000000000etc. 

However, I was, as far as reality is concerned, quite correct. The equation is 
a mathmatical concept, that cannot divide a cake among an infinite number of 
people. Everybody gets nothing. 

Therefore in relation to my calling our present position in time as being half 
way in infinity, lets work out another fiction mathmatically for,  

infinity / 2. 

This of course separates those who know the difference between time and 
eternity from those who do not. 


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