[geocentrism] Re: Star trails & the shadow

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:02:53 -0800 (PST)

  Neville and all,
  I don?t know if you all remember or watched the movie "the shadow". It stared 
Alex Baldwin who plays a 30-40's comic book character the shadow.." the shadow 
knows"..any way,  this whole dialog reminds me of that movie...The Hero is 
looking for the villain?s hide out and no one can seem to find it. Eventually 
the Hero discovers that....."Sher-wun-Kahn has hypnotized the whole city and 
made a whole skyscraper building disappear"......... HC/ AC secular Huminist 
science has managed to "hypnotize folk" to plain and ordinary everyday basic 
mechanics and they can't even see their own contradictions and diametrically 
inconsistent positions needed to support such absurdities!.....They show one 
model for the seasons and a completly contridictory model to explain "no 
annual" rotaions..!?......Even when you show them a model many still can't see 
it and think to themselves either "HC must be true" or "HC is right in saying 
that you can't tell the difference in reality due to some
 cause" because HC is not a theory.  ( even though every explination they put 
forward is self-contradictory, and there is no way to demonstrate such 
abserdities in reality..!?)

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