[geocentrism] Re: Response to Geocentric 2-pager

  • From: Steven Jones <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:03:31 +0000

Qd has just written us elementary junk, he doesn't know what he is talking about. Proves nothing, and one of the simplest refutations would be to hurl there own GR back at them.


Bernie Brauer wrote:
Qd wrote:
Hello Bernie,

I am sorry that you are so badly misinformed
and misguided and lacking of understanding of science.

1. The logic and preponderance of scientific evidence in support of a moving
Earth is SO enormous that to believe otherwise is simply to lack knowledge
or understanding of that evidence. I am sorry, but to believe the Earth is not moving is about as ridiculous as believing the Earth is flat. Of course, there is also a "Flat Earth Society," isn't there? I guess some people will never understand experimentation within the framework of the scientific method.

2. Simple experiment you can do at home to demonstrate that the Earth rotates:
   i) Drain bathtub (or sink, or any basin of water with a relatively flat
  ii) Observe that the water eventually circulates in a counter-clockwise
direction in the northern hemisphere, and in a clockwise direction in the
southern hemisphere.  In fact the propensity for this circulatory flow
gets greater as you get closer to the Earth's poles.
   Explanation: the Earth rotates.
This little demonstration is not a proof, but it is certainly compelling
evidence that you can see everyday.
More sophisticated demonstration of the same principle: a Focault pendulum. If the Earth didn't rotate, you could tell with this pendulum. Such pendulums
all over the world show unambiguously that the Earth does rotate.  In fact
they can measure the rate of rotation.  Guess what rate they all show?
You don't need comparisons with celestial objects to show that the Earth is

3. Your email stated, "The Bible says The Earth is NOT Moving and cannot
be moved. What'll it be folks? False science as the source of absolute
truth... or God's Word?"
Point number 1: The vast preponderance of scientific evidence in support of
a moving Earth is not false.
   Point number 2: Let's assume that God exists.  On what basis do you
accept so unquestionably that the bible is God's word?  Who says it is??
Your parents? Your priest? Just because you've been taught by your priest
and your parents (perhaps) that the bible is God's word, and just because
you believe it is, does that make such a claim an "absolute truth"? To me,
it doesn't.  No offense, but the body of scientific evidence in support
of a moving earth is far more convincing to me than the argument that the
bible is the word of God just because some people believe it is. How about
this hypothesis: the bible does not contain the word of God, but rather
contains the word of men.  I challenge you to prove that hypothesis wrong.
(From my perspective, that hypothesis would explain an awful lot.)

Be well (and, I hope, better informed...).

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