[geocentrism] Meat.

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 18:42:21 +1000

Dear Neville. 

Its been on the backburner of my mind for a few weeks since we last mentioned 
eating meat. I realised my response then was rather insensitive, and I intended 
to clear the air on it more fully. 

As regards God and the church and the Bible, there is no injunction against 
using animals as food.  We have to presume that Jesus did eat fish..  even 
though the Bible does not say that He himself did. See how I always get these 
ideas that show the "Bible only crowd", just how much they need to presume from 

However we cannot be sure..  Everything concerning Jesus in the bible points to 
his compliance with the old laws and regulations .. Therefore He must have 
eaten the lambs of the Pash. 

But however again, from reason of scripture, we know that this was not for 
pleasure or for sustenance , but as a sacrifice. Indeed people sensitive to 
animals feelings may very much have suffered sacrifice in participating. Cain 
couldn't and was exiled for his sensitivity. The pash was to prefigure the The 
True Lamb who was to be sacrificed. Jesus knew this fully, thus I can easily 
believe the commentator who said that He left the actual killing of the "last 
Pash" lambs to others. 

Ok, so yes I did say I love meat and Ham ... very appertising.. and 
pleasureable, providing I do not have to kill the animal, or participate in its 
processing. I cannot understand how any human being could be any different. 
That reminds me of another pleasure, with similar restrictions.  SEX.  Now from 
the Catholic perspective, and therefore I say Gods as well, sex is not for 
pleasure, but to help the primary reason God put man and woman together , the 
propagation of the species, and thus souls for God. ... Sex outside this 
commitment and for pleasure alone, is an abomination before God. 

From this , whilst I repeat we have no injunction on the matter of killing for 
food, and so long as it might be needed for survival, it would be essential, 
then it should be done, BUT NOT FOR PLEASURE. 

All of our natural instincts are against killing anything, without good reason. 
And food has never been an urgent reason in normal life. Every single protein 
is available in our vegetable kingdom..  The cows give us enough in milk. 

I say this truly, when I eat my mince meat rissoles in the meal my wife has 
prepared tonight, the pleasure I feel will be to me just as guilt ridden as 
though I was to have illicit sex.. But the pleasure overides everything, 
doesn't it? 

On this matter of the animals...  Neville may I ask.. Do you spray the flies, 
ants and cockaroaches?  Of course I am fanatical about keeping these from my 
house, and keep a can of spray in several places. 

But I'm convinced these little fullas are just as loving as a cow or a dog or a 
lion or a crocadile or a snake can be. I once had an up front confrontation on 
my desk with a little yellow spider no bigger than two pinheads. I can say with 
absolute certainty that he was aware of me and looked back up the magnifying 
glass at my eyes, as he fended off the tooth pick I was teasing him with.. I 
was so impressed, I let him go.. hoping I did not walk on him later, if he was 
silly enough to get down n the floor.  


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