[geocentrism] [Fwd: Bush to veto bill banning waterboarding]

  • From: Jack Lewis <jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 10:53:31 +0000

Check this out!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Bush to veto bill banning waterboarding
Date:   Sat, 8 Mar 2008 05:12:51 -0500
From:   cheryl <cbattles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:     <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

*What kind of depraved monsters have we become?  How did this happen? *

   Bush to veto bill banning waterboarding

*By LouDubbs* | March 7, 2008

The White House says President Bush will veto legislation on Saturday that would have barred the CIA from using waterboarding ? a technique that simulates drowning ? and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects.

Bush has said the bill would harm the government?s ability to prevent future attacks. Supporters of the legislation argue that it preserves the United States? right to collect critical intelligence while boosting the country?s moral standing abroad.

?The bill would take away one of the most valuable tools on the war on terror, the CIA program to detain and question key terrorist leaders and operatives,? deputy White House press secretary Tony Fratto said Friday.

The bill would restrict the CIA to using only the 19 interrogation techniques listed in the Army field manual.

The legislation would bar the CIA from using waterboarding, sensory deprivation or other coercive methods to break a prisoner who refuses to answer questions. Those practices were banned by the military in 2006.

The legislation cleared the House in December and won Senate approval last month


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     One Response to ?Bush to veto bill banning waterboarding?

  1. Patriot Says:
     March 8th, 2008 at 2:06 am

     Bush has not vetoed any legislation at all, throughout his entire
     presidency, and now he?s going to start with THIS legislation?

     Goes to show you what his priorities are.

     And waterboarding does not ?simulate? drowning. Waterboarding IS
     drowning. People are drowned, and then revived. One of the worst
     tortures ever devised by diabolical minds.

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