[geocentrism] Emailing: gyrotest

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 12:31:35 +1000

This is the device, excepting the support base would be different to accomodate 
the flywheel rotation, to prove earth rotation. see attached image.

As it is apparent this guy has done the experiment, we have to accept that as 
far as the gyro is concerned, it experiences a turning force equal to the 
rotation of this planet every 24 hours or so,,,  

From the geocentri point of view, this must be classed as direct observational 
proof of a rotating world, unless we can accept and prove that the inertia 
involved in the apparent rotation is caused by a rotating vector (of the 
aether?) relative to a stationary earth. 

As I have stated here so many times now, this rotating force vector in 
sychronism with the cosmos rotation around the world, call it aether or what 
you will, must exist as a valid concept, whether you believe in the word of God 
or not. 

It is this rotating "field", which in this special scenario we can call a 
rotating inertial field, cutting the geostationary satellite that provides the 
centripetal force neutralising gravity. 

It also keeps all of the HC formulars re the satellites, moon orbits, et al 

The big debate here is and always has been as far as I am concerned, the 
reality of the aether, and the questions relating to what is the cause of 
inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields of force etc. which Mainstream science 
can do no more than speculate.

To say that matter attracts to matter by an assumed force field, is a basic 
property of matter, is still an assumption and no explanation at all. Likewise 
inertia and its application to the flywheel. 


Attachment: gyrotest.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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