[gate-copp] Re: Follow-up GATE Community of Prosthetics Practice

  • From: Arjen Bergsma <a.bergsma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "gate-copp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gate-copp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 11:31:27 +0100

Dear all,

On October 23rd, the first follow-up meeting of the Community of
Prosthetics Practice took place. We discussed the draft aim and the
objectives and we spoke about the actions that are needed to bring this
initiate further. Although everybody agreed with the overall list of
objectives, it is also clear that a focus is needed to define the purpose
of the CoPP. It is also clear that it is crucial to link the initiative to
other initiatives of for example the ISPO education committee. To make
things more concrete, there was suggested by the group to work out a
project proposal that can also be used to apply for funding to give the
initiative some momentum.

To start, Anthony mentioned that he would make a description for the
webpage at the GATE platform and Bram is in contact with Chapal to create
this page. Liezel was willing to make a start with outlining a project
proposal in Google Docs. To discuss the progress of these actions and
define next steps, we decided to 'meet' again on Wednesday November 4th
(which is the upcoming Wednesday) at 15:00 GMT (16:00 CET). You can join
the meeting online via: https://www.anymeeting.com/656-128-907

I hope to see you (again) on Wednesday, and I wish you for now a nice day.

Best regards,

2015-10-12 14:30 GMT+02:00 Arjen Bergsma <a.bergsma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dear members of the Community of Prosthetic Practice,

It has been a while ago since the CoPP was launched on the 24th of June
at the World Conference in Lyon. As promised we would like to initiate a
follow-up to really start to move on with the community.

As Chapal Khasnabis already explained in Lyon, this CoPP is part of the
G.A.T.E. initiative of the WHO. We are currently establishing a Forum that
we hope is useful to share information and the progress of our community.
As soon as it is ready, you will be notified to obtain access. For the
short term, we made a mailing list (gate-copp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx), that can be
used for communication about this initiative. Because of privacy
regulations, we could not add people automatically, so *please register
yourselves via https://www.freelists.org/list/gate-copp
<https://www.freelists.org/list/gate-copp>*. Further communication will
go via this mailinglist.

So how do we propose to proceed? To realize the vision of access to
prosthetic care for amputees all around the world, the community needs
strong pillars and this is only possible with your commitment. It will take
time, but we believe that things could be changed. In order to start, we
think it is important to define the aim and objectives of the community.
After that, we can formulate a plan of action resulting in a concrete
project plan for the future.

To give it a start, we prepared a draft description of the aim and
objectives, based on the thoughts we have. This list is attached to this
email. In order to discuss this further, we would like to propose a *telco
*meeting at *October 23rd at 15:00 GMT. *We realize that it is already
next week, but we would like to give it a try. Beside short introduction
pitches of everybody, we will discuss the draft aim and objectives, so
please review it on beforehand. Please let us know if you are interested in
making this idea reality, and if we can welcome you at the meeting.

We are looking forward to meet you on the 23rd of October to hear your
ideas and opinions.

Kind regards,

Nur Azah Hamzaid

Bram Sterke

Liezel Wegner

Anthony Rombach

Arjen Bergsma

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