[gameprogrammer] How to call function with parameters on stack

  • From: Kevin Jenkins <gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:41:24 -0700

Regarding the previous posts, I finally figured it how to push arbitrary function parameters on the stack, and call a function on another system with those parameters. If anyone is interested:


I have the working solution inside RakNet



Only prob. right now is that I don't know how to do the equivalent assembly on Linux, so I have an #ifdef _WIN32 there

void AutoRPC::CallWithStack(const char *inputStack, unsigned int numBytes, void *functionPtr, void *lastParam, void *thisPtr)
        const int loopCount = numBytes/MIN_FUNC_STACK_ALIGNMENT;
#ifdef _WIN32
                // Push lastParam
                push            lastParam
                // Allocate data stack
                sub         esp,numBytes
                // Number of times to move MIN_FUNC_STACK_ALIGNMENT bytes
                mov         ecx,loopCount
                // source is esi
                mov         esi,inputStack
                // destination is esp, stored in edi
                mov         edi,esp
                // Copy data to function stack, until ecx is 0
                rep movs    dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
                // Push this pointer if not 0
                cmp                     thisPtr,0
                // If passed thisPtr, do a class member call.
                je                      no_this_ptr
                push            thisPtr
                call            functionPtr
                pop         thisPtr
                jmp                     done
                // Regular C call
                call            functionPtr
                add         esp,numBytes
                pop                     lastParam

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Other related posts:

  • » [gameprogrammer] How to call function with parameters on stack