[gameprogrammer] Re: 2d game engines

  • From: Jacob Briggs <nexussix@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:27:34 +1200

That is a good article - thanks for the advice so far! I'll have a play around, and see what I can do

On 25/06/10 13:02, Casey O'Donnell wrote:
I was investigating 2D / Prototyping tools last year and wrote this up:


I really like Löve for goofing around. I also use it in classes all
the time. But, for something a bit more robust, check out:

Angel - http://code.google.com/p/angel-engine
AngelXNA - http://www.jeffongames.com/2009/05/angelxna-v10
IndieLib - http://www.indielib.com/

Individual mileage may vary. :)


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Jacob Briggs<nexussix@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
Hi All

I am looking at 2d game engines, after realising that I just don't have the
time or patience to actually write my own from scratch. I wouldn't do it at
work unless I needed to, why do it at home lol.

Actually, I have made a few attempts but I end up just focusing on one or
two little things and the rest goes unmade - experimenting with character
movement, experimenting with networking etc.... Its really fun so I can see
why people would want to write one from scratch even if they don't have to.
But I digress....

I think I have narrowed it down to a couple, Orx (http://orx-project.org/)
and LÖVE (http://love2d.org/). My requirements are that the source _has_ to
be open, and it needs to be portable.

LÖVE uses Lua, and looks really active with a vibrant community who are
obsessed with juvenile toilet humour and that suits me just fine. I like
that the language is interpreted and I don't need any special environment or
tools or whatever.

  Orx looks good too, but seems a lot less active. Its c++ but has this weird
"config" style of data driven game making I dunno. I can't wrap my head
around it.

I am looking at a top-down sandbox shooter ala gta1. My goals are to get to
a point where I can play around with NPC AI in a gaming context, and also
play around with how to describe missions structure and story progression
and how these two tie together. So, I want a sandbox game that I can use as
a coding and idea sandbox. Meta. As Mr Reeves would say, Whoa.

What other engines are there that I may have missed?

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