[fsf60k] Re: fsf60k Digest V5 #105

  • From: Peter White <pedro831@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fsf60k@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 10:27:50 -0400

***This is a message from a member of Friends of Students for 60,000***

Hola to All Free Listers,

Two points.

This coming Saturday, Oct. 23, Maryknoll Sisters are hosting their annual
International Bazaar from 10 a.m. to mid afternoon or so. I called Sr. Joan
last night, and am calling Sr. Liz today to let them know I'm coming. I've
been to this event for the past three years and it is very good. The sisters
from all over the world send things like arts, crafts, and many unique
things from their mission countries which are for sale, usually at very good
prices. And you are supporting MK of course at the same time. I also look
forward to having lunch with Joan and Liz as they look forward to company.
Anyone interested in going, let me know. I can provide directions. Kathleen
is coming, and maybe my son. so I would not have a lot of room, but
interested folks could follow me, or just get directions.

Second, Lisa Flanagan is being recognized, along with some other women, by
the Town of Huntington for "Improving Today's Women With Tools For Success."
There will be a luncheon at Larkfield Manor on Wed. Oct. 27 from 11am to
2:30pm. Cost to attend is inexpensive, like $8 for regular/$6 for senior
cits. Something like that. Also, we can show some of our photo boards and
set up a table to try and sell the remaining goods from Cow Harbor Day. I
plan on attending and hope we can have a table full of Friends. Some
students may attend for at least part of the event, as it is a school day.
Nice to see that the work of the club goes on and that the adults involved
are receiving recognition.


-----Original Message-----
From: FSF60K@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:FSF60K@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 11:46 PM
To: fsf60k digest users
Subject: fsf60k Digest V5 #105

fsf60k Digest   Mon, 18 Oct 2010        Volume: 05  Issue: 105

In This Issue:
                [fsf60k] Comedor Escolar Data Gathering


Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 22:46:18 -0500
Subject: [fsf60k] Comedor Escolar Data Gathering
From: gpardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Friends,

Sorry I was not able to attend the last meeting but I had inadvertently
scheduled a tip to see an earthbag structure in Vermont and meet our
potential trainer for Nicaragua for this this type of construction.

I have entered Mike's observations of the Comedor Escolar project in a
table to make the data easier to analyze and posted it on the Transtec
blog. Following is the link, http://blog.transteca.org/30931893 (copy the
link into your browser)

Please forward any ideas or comments you may have.  Our goal is to make
this project 100% self sustainable as was originally intended.I will
assemble any and all ideas contributed as well as my own to offer a plan
for this project. I will issue a draft plan for discussion and editing. We
can use this plan to write for grants and secure funds if required. If
there is demand we can have a group conference call to brainstorm, that
way we can include friends in all states.  Sometimes a verbal discussion
better facilitates group work.

Gracias Amigos,

P.S. I went by the garden in Huntington Station and it looks fantastic. It
is really thriving. Congrats to all involved.


End of fsf60k Digest V5 #105

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  • » [fsf60k] Re: fsf60k Digest V5 #105 - Peter White