[fruityloops] Re: Midi problems

  • From: "mark griffin" <staticwaves@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fruityloops@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:54:57 +0000

hello tony,
some of your settings are wrong, here's a quick run down. if u put a tick 
beside master sync output you are making fruity the master link in a midi 
setup. therefore any external gear should be set to ext or auto, (slave). so 
when you press play in fruity your external gear should start as well.

remote control :generic controller, this section of the midi setup is for 
midi controllers like the phat boy, studiomix, control freak, these are for 
controlling automation, eg. movement of knobs sliders and so on.

remote control input should relate to the midi port your controller is 
linked to, i'm not sure how this works when connected through a joystick 
the top right hand quarter of the midi settings page allows you to set ports 
and number them.
when u open a midi out channel, u set the port to the midi channel your 
keyboard is connected to. if you go to the presets in the midi out channel 
you may find your keyboard listed.

by changing either the patch or channel number you should be able to flip 
through your keyboard banks.

                               hopes this helps some

>From: "TONY R" <taar44@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: fruityloops@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: fruityloops@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [fruityloops] Midi problems
>Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:49:30 -0500
>Hello all. I need some help figuring out how to make my roland keyboard
>function correctly with fruity. The keyboard is connected to the computer
>through the gameport on the soundcard. Surprisingly enough, latency does 
>seem to be a problem even though i am using a $7 soundcard. My problem
>starts when i try to change presets on my keyboard. For example, i open up 
>FL file that contains 6 channels. I then open up a midi out channel so that
>i can play sounds from my keyboard. I then change the sound on my keyboard
>from say "grand piano" to "lead bass" and to my surprise, fruity also
>changes channels on me. So lets say "CC Kick" is below my "midi out"
>channel, when i change presets on the keyboard, fruity moves from "midi 
>to "CC kick". When i then strike a key on my keyboard, instead of hearing a
>"lead bass", all i hear is a kick sound. How do i stop fruity from moving
>from the "midi out" channel?
>   My current settings are :
>Remote control input: My soundcard
>Master sync output: None
>Remote control: Generic controller
>Output port mapping: midi mapper
>Also, i have check marks next to "Enable midi remote control", "Enable midi
>Output" and "Enable midi master sync".
>My eventual aim is to be able to play sounds from my keyboard and record
>them into a channel in fruity so that in combination with other channels
>from VSTIs, i can create a complete song. Thanks.
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