[frgeek-michiana] Thursday labs

  • From: Tom Brown <tbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: FreeGeek Michiana <frgeek-michiana@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 15:30:32 -0500

Just a reminder -- Goose and I are holding a lab 1-2 Thursday evenings per month. The first such lab is this week on Thu., Dec. 4. I'll be there at 6:00 PM. If that is too early for folks, we'll start later on subsequent labs.

On the agenda is finishing the test Debian/LTSP server. I already loaded Debian on the test box. So we'll install LTSP and set up workstation configs. Goose wants to test Debian SMP kernels. Since we don't use the HP Turbine, Goose and I will pull the HP Turbine out of the boiler room and install Debian. First we'll print out or note all the hardware detected by Red Hat and all the drivers installed. Debian's installer sucks (relatively) at hardware detection. Goose will take the Turbine to his home to do the kernel compiling and testing. There isn't much time so we may not get both tasks done. But we'll try.

Future Thu labs are open for suggestions. Maybe they will be geared toward development using the OpenACS suite or compiling custom kernels for Vector Linux, take the Intel Ham modem for instance. We may build FreeBoxes in a pinch.


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