[frgeek-michiana] Re: Fwd: Re: DNS change over to DynDNS.org

  • From: Richard Zimmerman <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: frgeek-michiana@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 08:16:45 -0500

Tom Brown wrote:

Jeez, the change went into effect almost instantly! I surfed our web site, and it hit Phoenix, POW! I thought it would take an hour or two just to resolve internally at DynDNS.

Exactly what is suppose to happen! Last week we told NotSol that dyndns.org was handling our dns from now on. That is what propagated across the Internet, *WHO* was handling resolving dns request for our organization!

Dyndns, actually handles getting freegeekmichiana.org connected to our ip address. That process can happen as often as needed! The rest of the world need not know cause dyndns.org is handling the dns requests.

But Houston, we have a problem. Phoenix is apparently not set up for virtual hosting, and it is hosting two web sites. The IP address returns the Free Geek Michiana / Richard Zimmerman combined home page instead of the FGM page by itself. I need to adjust the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file to do name-based virtual hosting so that the incoming header on the browser request will trigger the right web site. Another solution is to put the two web sites on separate apache server instances or on separate ports.

Ok, didn't know Apache could do that based on what dns request was made. Scotty, beam me up, I need to be taught!

If I have time tomorrow, I will ssh into Phoenix and try to correct the problem.

Just so your not caught off guard, I did change the root password to match the rest of our server passwords.


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