[foxboro] Update for BLOW utility for Server 2008/Win 7

  • From: "Markan, Denis" <Denis.Markan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 19:17:42 +0000

I have an updated blow.bat file for Blow utility to work on Windows Server 2008 
R2. I assume it also works on Windows 7, although I have not tested on that 
platform. It also works on Server 2003.
The tee.exe that is supplied with original BLOW crashes on server 2008R2. The 
new version of blow.bat uses dos to display to screen and redirect to log file 
(through a temp file).
Replace your blow.bat in d:/opt/blow (typical install) with below included 
text. Tee.exe is not used here, so you can delete it if you want.

Good luck.

Thanks "list" for your help.
Denis Markan

@echo off
Color F0
Title Blow Remote Copy
::echo %1 %2 %3 %4
set DelRemDir=%3
set CurrDate=%4
set LogFile=.\Logs\%CurrDate%

if NOT .%CurrDate% == . echo Blow Copy Log for %CurrDate% > %LogFile%
if NOT .%CurrDate% == . echo. >> %LogFile%

set logg=^> .\Logs\_^&^& type .\Logs\_^&^& type .\Logs\_^>^>%LogFile%

FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1,2" %%i IN (selrhosts.txt) DO FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1,2,3 
usebackq delims=|" %%k IN (%1) DO call :forloop %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m

::delete selrhosts.txt
del selrhosts.txt
::delete itemstocopy
del %1
::delete .\Logs\_ temporary file
del .\Logs\_
::delete .\Logs\_ temporary file
del Blowprefs.txt
::leave the window open option
if %2==True pause


if NOT .%CurrDate% == . (
                echo XCOPY to %2 [%1] %logg%
) else (
                echo XCOPY to %2 [%1]

::if delete directory before copy then if directory then delete remote directory
if %DelRemDir% == True if .%5 == ./E if NOT .%CurrDate% == . (
                echo Deleting remote directory %3 %logg%
) else (
                echo Deleting remote directory

if %DelRemDir% == True if .%5 == ./E rmdir /S /Q \\%1\%4<file:///\\%251\%254>

::echo xcopy %3 \\%1\%4<file:///\\%251\%254> /Y /C /H /R %5
if NOT .%CurrDate% == . (
                xcopy %3 \\%1\%4<file:///\\%251\%254> /Y /C /H /R %5 %logg%
) else (
                xcopy %3 \\%1\%4<file:///\\%251\%254> /Y /C /H /R %5

if NOT .%CurrDate% == . (
                echo. %logg%
) else (

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