[foxboro] Any experiences with FBM224?

  • From: stan <stanb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Foxboro List <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 10:17:48 -0400

We are considering using a FBM224 in conjunction with a ProSoft MV171-MCM
3rd part AB I/O module to link an AB PLC5 to one of our Foxboro nodes.

Has anyone used this module? If so I would be interested in their
experiences with it.

specifically several things occurred to me as I was reading the PSS's on these.

1, Can we make this redundant like our Integrator 30's?

2. There is mention of specific configuration software for this module, is
this out side the ICC? If so could anyone tell me a bit about it?

3. Can anyone give me "real world" performance, and loading feedback?

And if you are wondering why we ant to do this, it's because we have 200
series I/O bases in the same equipment room with the PLC in questions, and
it will simplify wiring. plus we are unhappy with the throughput of our
Integrator 30's, and have heard that they are an end of life product.

Thanks for any feedback on this.

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                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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Other related posts:

  • » [foxboro] Any experiences with FBM224?