[farroutobservatory] A new TOY to test......Celestron....StarSense

  • From: bobdotfla@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: farroutobservatory@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2015 13:11:36 -0500 (CDT)

Well hope we have some stars Saturday..........(not my fault)...lol
I am now part of the Celestron---Public Beta Tester" group on 
I bought a new toy for the 6SE and video set-up.......
I very much like my 6SE....its a lot of bang for the buck!...
Its easy to use and does a great job....about 20lb total to move around...and 
with the Sammy video camera it is a blast...and shows DSOs,i cant see with a EP.
But even with 2 reducers   (about F4) and the fact that the Sammy has about a 
6-7 mm chip=same as 6mm EP...
alignments have been a pain...(with out using ep's).......
SO StarSense  Autoalignments........
This unit has been on the market for some time...but has now been updated for 
prime time....I hope...
So my goal it to plop the scope setup down and press a few buttons and let it 
find,capture and align my setup automatically....with in 3 min..
It does use plate solve to do this.....
I should have the unit by Friday and give it a workout Saturday.....at Farrout..
As a beta tester I'll have the input and guidance of Team Celestron.......
If it works it will be VERY cool...if not ......then not..
We will all see....
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