[ExchangeList] Move Mailbox access denied

  • From: <ChongJa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 17:54:36 -0400

I am trying to move a mailbox from different domain\admin group to
another domain\admin group, mailbox starts to move messages and
completes, however after it has finished moving all messages, it says
access denied. Usually you get access denied when initiating the mailbox
move but never seen it at the end? Anybody seen this before? I tried
setting number of corrupted messages to skip to 100 but still no go. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode" ?> 
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <taskWizardRun taskName="Move
Mailbox" dcName="NHQDTCDC3" buildNumber="7638"
  <timespan startTime="2006-04-06 16:43:56.634" milliseconds="4026172"
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <moveMailbox mixedMode="false"
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <destination>
osoft Exchange/cn=American Red Cross/cn=Administrative
  <taskSummary errorCount="1" completedCount="0" warningCount="0"
errorCode="0x00000000" /> 
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <items>
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <item
adsPath="LDAP://CN=O'Neill\, Brigid,OU=Philadelphia\, PA - RHQ,OU=BR
PennJersey Region,DC=bio,DC=ri,DC=redcross,DC=net" class="user">
  <progress code="100" milliseconds="4026156">Saving changes to the
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <summary isWarning="false"
  Access denied. 
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <details>
%20Task%20Wizard%20Logs/ETWA611.xml#>  <source>
osoft Exchange/cn=American Red Cross/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=BR
Philadelphia PA/cn=Servers/cn=BRPAPHIEX2/cn=InformationStore/cn=First
Storage Group/cn=Mailbox Store (BRPAPHIEX2)</database> 


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