RE: Draining Inbox and Missing Contents

  • From: "constanv" <constanv@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'[ExchangeList]'" <exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 20:20:53 -0500

The mail went to the personal folders in that machine. Find a file with
extension pst.


-----Original Message-----
From: randy [mailto:rarmour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 1:48 PM
To: [ExchangeList]
Subject: [exchangelist] Draining Inbox and Missing Contents

When under Services, Delivery tab, Deliver new mail to the following
location: is set to (none), where DOES the mail go?

I have a user who's mail in her inbox started draining out one at a
When I checked the above location, (none) was selected instead of Inbox.

The behavior stopped when the setting was changed to Inbox.

This was a new machine she was moving to, and the default configuration
for Outlook was Internet Only.  When she went to Tools, Options..., Mail
Services tab, Reconfigure Mail Support and setup Corporate or Workgroup
instead, it made the default above new mail delivery location (none).

I think I've got a handle on the original configuration, and it would be
lovely to know why (none) was selected, but mostly I would like to know
where the mail went...


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