[etni] Subject: fw: Bagrut training courses

  • From: "Ask_Etni" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ETNI" <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 19:29:16 +0200

From: Ariella Kopels <mckopels@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: etni Digest V6 #251

I would like to make a suggestion to the powers that be 
concerning the Bagrut training courses (NBA, CAT and 
now the Literature module). Could someone please get 
their act together and decide on the days and times for 
these courses BEFORE the school year starts? Someone 
knew that there was going to be a change in the modules 
- there was a pilot, so there aren't any surprises, so why 
couldn't the dates be set in the summer when we could 
do something about it.

I know that our regional advisor is trying to set up a course 
for our area,and I appreciate her efforts, but my schedule 
is set and the school is not about to make any major 
changes now that the year has begun. I'm sure that I'm 
not the only teacher who can't participate because of 
scheduling problems. This is not the first time that the 
ministry has decide to require a course, but tells us after 
the fact. As a teacher I am expected to plan in advance. 
I know what I am going to be teaching this year. 
Why can't the MOE hold to the same standards as the 
teachers? Just some food for thought for the future-

Happy New Year,
Ariella Kopels

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  • » [etni] Subject: fw: Bagrut training courses