[etni] HOT food for thought

  • From: Judie Segal <eyeorestail@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:43:08 +0300

Definitely FOOD for THOUGHT,  In response to the Haaretz article:

1) For all those who said it wasn't being taught in L1...
2) What methodologies are they using to teach them? Is the teaching of
the strategies done intensively and with planning?  Were the teachers
3) Wouldn't it be helpful to students if they could learn these
strategies in all subjects and then most probably they would do better
on everything?
4) It probably doesn't mean a whole lot for the first run of these
exams because teachers are only leanring how to do this for the first
5) If at first you don't succeed.....don't teach students how to
think? Sounds sad to me.

I know, let's let them griney groley there way through the bagrut and
their lives.....that would be best......

C'mon, are we educators or bagrut babysitters?

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  • » [etni] HOT food for thought - Judie Segal