[etni] Fwd: update from REED

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:23:55 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Esther Revivo <estherrevivo@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: update from REED

Dear Anonymous- Hello! I'm never anonymous, and as a result I may have
become persona non grata among some pro-HOTS people during the once
heated debate. I've since made my peace with the new HOTS program
which is far more student friendly than it was in summer of 2009 when
I did the summer online course. Unless a teacher is a newbie without
seniority, I have no idea why he/ she feels the need for anonymity.
Even if your supervisor does not like you personally, if you're okay
with your own principal and you ARE doing your job, you've nothing to
worry about!!!  (Does anyone see long lines of dedicated EFL people
waiting to grab our jobs?! Come on folks-the MOE NEEDS us and not the

Regarding what was written on REED. First of all, I want to praise our
wonderful REED area supervisor- Adele Raehmer. She is always willing
to come to our school to help out. As I mentioned, she offered to come
help us learn to improve our smart board proficiency. I must add that
even in the heat of my anti-HOTS postings two years ago we maintained
a cordial professional e-mail correspondence between us.

Now as to supervisors/ Inspectors wishing to see unit planners and
Logs: Let's not be naive: For years we ALL know that there were
teachers who filled out forms claiming to teach literature who in the
end did not do so. Hence I was in no way insulted or put off by folks
upstairs wishing to see that literature is indeed being taught in the
prescribed HOTS manner at schools.  I believe there will be lazy
teachers as there have always been (they are a tiny minority but they
do indeed exist!) who might copy some unit planners from a friend
while NOT putting things into practice! Who knows what they'll do
about the Logs???

I might add that I would love Adele to bring us a finished LOG to our
school to show us what a finished one looks like as obviously ours are
'a work in process. I have no problem with her seeing what I did with
my girls last year; indeed perhaps she'll be able to correct me on
something I'm doing wrong, before these LOGS reach yud bet and some
may be randomly selected to go to the MOE and found lacking! I'd feel
terrible to have my pupils lose points because I got it wrong!

So I for one was not at all insulted by the REED post, even if the
other mfakchim have not yet sent out such a missive. I feel it is
legitimate that those in charge wish to see that the new program is
indeed being properly implemented in all schools under their

Shana Tova and All the Best-
Esther Revivo
Ulpanat Tzvia Sedot Negev

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