[etni] Fw: re: Suggestion for teachers

  • From: "Ask" <ask@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Etni" <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 19:14:45 +0300

----- Original Message ----- From: Linda - lsk120@xxxxxxxxxxxx
=Subject: Re: Suggestion for teachers

How about adding the number of hours we spend of our "free time" marking exams, checking writing, projects/preparing lessons, etc.????? I finally finished TWENTY hours of marking all the exams/matconots from my classes and THEN I started calculating the "magenim" (that's another pet peeve of mine which I won't go into now- I initiated a poll on that a while back.) - and now it's not just one grade we have to give, but for each module(and also the oral). I also work in a college (as Jennifer mentioned; how many of us can make ends meet working in only one plac?) and my colleagues there can't fathom why I haven't left the high school system. Yes, like Jennifer brought out, all that pressure with an embarrassment called a salary. In fact, when I went for advice and to see if all my papers were in order as far as school was concerned, I was told that I wouldn't be able to live on my pension. To make sure I understood, he said, "I don't mean live nicely, I mean, you won't be able to live." Very comforting, no? .. and that's with a Masters!

We are all "freirim"!
And on that happy note,
Shabbat Shalom!
Linda Kuras Mizrahi

Jennifer wrote:
Allow me to make a suggestion to all you teachers working within the school
In order to make them intelligible to the general public, state as well,what
the salary is for a full time teacher.  State what studies you have
completed to reach such salary 'heights' .
Explain what is involved in teaching that number of hours.  For example, how
many hours are you actually in school; how many hours of meetings; how many
hours of waiting for a free computer; etc.
Explain the good and the bad of a regular lesson.  Thee last time I worked
in a school, my one point bagrut class (10th grade), started the year with
20 chairs for 34 pupil.  We ended the yeear on the floor, with no chairs or
tables, - because after al, one pointers....
Explain how many teachers cannot get a full time job in one school, and
therefore have to run from school to school in order to make a 'living'
Explain how teachers' cars are often vandalized when parked outside the
Explain why teachers 'can't control the class'.  This is often because they
have no official standing; they are not class teachers, level co-ordinators
and the like.  Not to mention that no realistic punishments exist.
Try to get one letter a day into each of the big dailies.
And try to get across to all those who say "But they only work x number of
days a year', what teachers do with all that 'free' time.
Try to paint the picture of pink-faced  smiling, optimistic teachers in the
teachers' rooms at the beginning of the year, and they grey-faced ghosts
thast in habit those same rooms round about now.  Teachers seem to be like
women giving birth: they forget what it felt like last time.

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  • » [etni] Fw: re: Suggestion for teachers