[etni] [FWD: Re: The modular unseen]

  • From: ask@xxxxxxxx
  • To: etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 13:30:02 -0700

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 -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Re: [etni] Re: The modular unseen
 From: "Reuven and Esther Falk" <efalk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Dear Lev, Liora, and Etniers:
 I have been following the discussion of the Dovrat Report with 
great  interest. Perhaps I am not qualified to hold a valid opinion 
on the subject since I have only been living and teaching English 
in Israel for 5 years. I came from America because I am proud of 
my Jewish identity and believe we are commanded by G-d to live 
in the Jewish homeland according to the teachings of Jewish law.
 I remember that when Limor Livnat began her tenure  as Minister 
of Education at the top of her agenda was to restore a strong 
sense of Zionist values into the system of education. I understand 
that she comes from a family that was very active in the Jewish 
resistance during the early days of the state. Now I wonder, what 
has happened to her agenda? Is there anything in the Dovrat Report 
about teaching or enhancing Jewish values, about our traditions, 
our connection to the Land of Israel, why, after all, are we here 
after an absence of 2000 years, etc. etc.? Maybe these are 
questions that no one wants to address given all the current
concern with the New Bagrut. But what does the New Bagrut 
have to teach us or our children about how to become responsible 
educated Jews living in the Jewish State? I had really hoped that 
Livnat would follow through on her original agenda to bring Jewish 
and Zionist values back into our education. Until the education 
system returns to a concern for the core values of why this nation
exists, then no matter what report or commisson findings are
published, or what changes are made in the nature of the tests we 
give our children, the system of education will continue to decline. 
We are still putting band aids on gaping wounds.
 We need to introduce Jewish pride, dignity and self-respect into 
the curriculum. We need to hold ourselves and students 
accountable for our and their behavior. We need to act with 
integrity and honesty and truth. We need to become worthy 
of being Jews privileged to live in the Jewish state. We need to
learn how to relate to each other with unanimity as fellow Jews. 
With these core values in place we will find that our students 
will do just fine in their academic subjects. Until then, call me 
whatever names you like, but we will find  ourselves in the 
same mess.

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  • » [etni] [FWD: Re: The modular unseen]