[etni] Re: Bagrut Results - Summer

  • From: Rivka Lewenstein <rlewen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: judiavi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 04:22:21 -0700 (PDT)

Actually, by us it was the opposite. The Module D grades were relatively 
decent, considering that many of the students taking Module D were very, very, 
very weak 4-pointers, if they could even be termed 4-pointers at all. However, 
there were huge gaps for Module E, also by the 5-pointers. Again, my students 
were extremely weak, so I wasn't surprised that they didn't do well on Module 
E, but many of them had gaps of 30, 40 points. OK, I knew that there would be 
gaps, because their project (which they worked very hard on) really upped their 
magen grades, but I'm not used to *such* big gaps. One factor I must point out 
is that our students are Russian, and their writing skills tend to be stronger 
than Israelis' writing skills, which may explain why our experience was the 
opposite of yours. But still... 
There were large discrepancies in other modules as well, especially in Module 
A, believe it or not. That teacher is literally tearing her hair out. I am 
looking forward to seeing the actual test notebooks. 
As I've said before, it may be true that in the end, a 9-point question is only 
worth 3 points because students get an average of all 3 modules, but in the 
meantime, one or two questions have the power to create huge discrepancies 
between magen marks and the test marks, discrepancies which would not be there 
if there were only one test with questions worth 3 points each. I don't think 
that the Ministry is aware enough of the problem.
All the best,


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  • » [etni] Re: Bagrut Results - Summer