[eagleengineering] FW: Fwd: **FIRST EMAIL**/Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Program

  • From: "Madalyn Berns" <tchglitzgirl5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: eagleengineering@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 16:01:57 -0700

>From: ciotach51@xxxxxxx
>To: tchglitzgirl5@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Fwd: **FIRST EMAIL**/Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Program
>Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 16:31:27 -0400
>  Please forward and see if anyone is interested  in participating.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Deborah Rose <dlr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>Sent: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 09:52:47 -0500
>Subject: **FIRST EMAIL**/Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Program
>Out to FRC teams..
>Greetings Teams:
>Please note the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam's program is open only to US High Schools (including US schools overseas) and any foreign national working as a science, mathematics or technology teacher in a U.S. high school (given he/she has proper documentation to live and work in the U.S.)
>What do the following inventions have in common?
>Watermelon-ripeness evaluator
>Pothole detection and filling device
>Inspection-friendly luggage
>They were all developed by high school students through InvenTeams!
>InvenTeams is the Lemelson-MIT Program's national initiative to foster inventiveness among high school students. InvenTeams asks teams of high school students, their teacher(s) and mentors to identify a problem to address with an invention, then funds them up to $10,000 per team to develop a prototype.
>Popular themes of projects include assistive devices, consumer products, environment, transportation, and health and safety.
>InvenTeams is open to high school science, mathematics and technology teachers at public, private and vocational schools and their students.
>Applications and additional information are available on our web site: http://web.mit.edu/inventeams/apply
>The deadline for 2006 Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams is May 6, 2005.
>Details: Grant size: up to $10,000 each for an in-class or extra-curricular invention project
>Number of grants: as many as 15
>Project length: October 2005 - June 2006
>Deeadline: May 6, 2005
>Please forward this email to others who might be interested in this exciting opportunity!
>Feel free to contact the Lemelson-MIT Program (617-253-3352) with any questions.

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  • » [eagleengineering] FW: Fwd: **FIRST EMAIL**/Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Program