[duxuser] modifying h1

  • From: "Lisette Wesseling" <Lisette.Wesseling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 17:29:55 +0100

Hi all

I hope somebody can help me. I am using dbt 10.4 and am really excited about
being able to use the table of contents generator. For this, I know I need
to use the h1 style. Hence these two questions:

1. I'm transcribing a hymn book and have created a template for this. Within
this hymn template, I've created a rule-off style (which just centres 12
dots 2-5 to signify the end of the hymn. I want to modify the h1 style so
that there is no blank line after it, in the interests of saving space. When
I take the [sk1] out it doesn't stay out, re-appearing on re-opening
duxbury. When I replace the -sk1] withe [<] I still get the blank skipped
line. Is there something else I should do instead?

2. When I highlight the hymn number and apply this h1 style, the hymn number
is not centred. I can only see [eh1] and not the [sh1], although sometimes I
have found the entire next hymn seems to be centred as well, even though I
have not selected it. The only way I can guarantee the h1 style will work is
if I don't use the rule off style at the end of the preceeding hymn, but
this is not really satisfactory.
Do I need to do something to the rule-off style to let it co-operate with
the h1 style?
Thanks for any help.
Hope you're not as confused as I am.

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