[duxuser] Question about contractions in dxb

  • From: "Deborah Barnes" <dbarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 13:21:52 -0500

There once was a time when, if I was in dxb, when I was reading and wanted
to know what a character was Jaws would say , for dot 6 or 3 for cc . now it
says:  "dots 45th sign" for the word those for example.  Is there a way you
can get it to say what the dots 45 is like it used to?  The other day I
needed to know what a contraction was in ascii and couldn't remember for the
life of me, and of course it gave me the Braille equivalents which is fine
for some characters but not others.




Deb B.

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