[duxuser] Intro and question

  • From: Chelsea <lady.arwen15@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:19:43 -0500


My name is Chelsea. I joined this list because I'm planning on being a 
certified Braille transcriber in the not too distant future. I'm going through 
the course now, and my question is about PerkyDuck. I'm running a Windows 7 
machine with JAWS 15, PerkyDuck 11.2 and a Pac Mate display. I'm noticing a 
spacing issue with the display as it pertains to PerkyDuck. There is a 4 space 
gap between words that doesn't happen in any other program.

I realize there isn't any formal tech support for PerkyDuck, but getting this 
issue resolved would be a huge help. Any advice or suggestions would be 
sincerely appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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