[duxuser] Re: Continuation of Interupted Print Job?

  • From: Lloyd Rasmussen <lras@xxxxxxx>
  • To: duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 15:18:59 -0500

It is the reference page, sort of. You must account for any preliminary pages in determining where to start embossing; DBT isn't really parsing the document. It's just counting form feeds.

At 03:06 PM 2/17/2004 -0500, you wrote:

Hi All:

A question ... I was printing off a NLS Web Braille book (.brf). Using a Versa Point Duo, double sided printing. For some odd reason, the printer just stopped printing in the middle of what was working fine. I suspect a loose cable ... Anyway, my question has to do with locating the position in the file where I want the printing to pick up with and continue. I also want the page numbers to be smooth without revealing a break in the printing in the finished product.

Using go to page number and checking the reference page, I can find the approx location in the file where it ended. I don't care if a page or 2 gets repeated when I pickup the printing, but don't want to waste paper with multiple page repeats. Also, want the page numbering to be as they were before the printer stopped with the original printing. That is, I don't want it to start with the page #1!

Under emboss, I know I can select a range of pages. Is this number referring to the reference page number or something else? I know my printer ended near reference page 51 and I wish to continue there, do I enter page 51 for the starting point in the range? And, I want it to run to the end of the doc so do I need the ending pg number or will leaving it blank assume this for me?

Thanks in advance for any/all pointers you can give.


Braille is the solution to the digital divide.
Lloyd Rasmussen, Senior Staff Engineer
National Library Service f/t Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress (202) 707-0535 <http://www.loc.gov/nls/>
HOME: <http://lras.home.sprynet.com>
The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of NLS.

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