
  • From: "Anne Ronco" <anne@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <duxnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 14:00:50 -0400

Dear Duxnews and Duxuser listers,



Duxbury Systems has released a service release for DBT 11.2 SR2 (build

date 2014-5-6).


DBT 11.2 SR2 is now shipping and available on the Web for download.



Those with existing licenses can use Help/Check for Updates (Alt-H-U) to

download DBT 11.2 SR2 and check if their licenses are within the eligibility

period for receiving DBT 11.2 as a free update. Those with licenses outside

of the eligibility period can run DBT 11.2 as a time-limited trial for up to

45 days.


DBT 11.2 SR2 can also be downloaded from our main web site home page:



The DBT 11.2 SR2 download will run as a demo version for those without a



Here is a list of what's new since DBT 11.2 SR1:



Word 2007, 2010, 2013

-- The importer for docx files has been improved to allow better recognition

of character fonts. Superscript and subscripts are again properly


-- Braille fonts and Courier (and Consolas) fonts are recognized.

-- Bold, Italic, and Underline recognized when applied through a character

style, unless the character style is mapped into a DBT style.

-- The latest BANA Template for Word has been included.


Unified English Braille (UEB)


UEB will begin being formally taught in UK schools in September this year

(2014). Users are therefore advised to ensure that upgrades have been

applied to older versions.

-- There have been a number of very minor changes made to the UEB tables in

this release due to clarification of some rules by ICEB.

-- A new template, named "English (Unified) - UK formatting" has been added

to simplify the production of UEB braille while using current UK formatting

conventions. The template parallels the existing "English (British) - with

capitals" template in that it contains all of the same style names. Most

styles are identically defined, but where necessary style definitions have

been adapted for UEB. In particular, the <acronym> style has been set to

null since no special treatment is required for acronyms in UEB.

-- A new template, named "English (Unified) - BANA" has been added to

simplify the production of UEB braille while using BANA formatting

conventions. The template parallels the existing "English (American Textbook

DE) - BANA" template in that it contains all of the same style names, thus

enabling production using Word in the same manner as now set up for

production of pre-UEB American braille following BANA guidelines. Most

styles are identically defined, but where necessary style definitions have

been adapted for UEB. Styles have also been added for script, Maori,

Hawaiian and Portuguese.




We continue to improve DBT's math braille capabilities, and are grateful to

those who have helped us in this regard.

-- In MathType imports, we fixed some issues which caused extra blank lines.

-- Handling of over/under math characters has been enhanced.

-- Additional characters and a few more tabular structures are now


-- In LaTeX imports we have added support for \widetilde.

-- For UEB math (not used in the United States), there is an issue about

inserting optional spaces around signs of comparison for beginners. Please

see the following link for details: 




At least 16 different language tables have been updated.


For a more detailed list, see http://www.duxburysystems.com/dbtwhst.asp.






Anne Ronco

email: info@xxxxxxxxxx


Duxbury Systems, Inc.

270 Littleton Road, #6; Westford, MA 01886-3523 USA

TEL: + 978-692-3000 FAX: + 978-692-7912

Email (general): info@xxxxxxxxxx

Web site: http://www.DuxburySystems.com <http://www.duxburysystems.com/> 

Duxbury Systems, the first name in software for Braille - since 1975.


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  • » [duxnews] - Anne Ronco