[duxhelp] Beta 2 has been posted

  • From: "Peter Sullivan" <peter@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:57:54 -0500

Beta Testers,

We've just posted beta 2 for DBT 10.6 at

You must remove Beta 1 before installing Beta 2. Beta 1 will
deactivate itself as it is removed from your computer, so you will
have to activate again after installing beta 2.

These fixes and improvements have been made since beta 1: 
- New BANA templates have been introduced. The Word template file is
  now called BANA Braille 2006. When importing to DBT, two templates
  are available; one is specifically for Nemeth documents.
- WordPerfect imports are working again, as in earlier DBT versions.
- French template translation table settings have been fixed.
- Operation of Workstations that Share an Activation has been fixed.
- DBT has improved its handling of corrupted documents. Unlike beta 1,
  beta 2 will not crash when unable to read style information in a
  document. And, in an improvement over earlier releases of DBT, it
  allows you to recover the content of such a document.
- Undo now works correctly when typing over selected text.
- Undoing file inserts has been fixed.
- DBT's Find and Replace dialogs are more flexible about understanding
  a user's intent to search for or replace styles. It is now possible
  to use Control-< to enter the style as a tag and check the
  "Find/Replace style" checkbox.
- Layout errors in the Emboss and Print dialogs have been fixed.
- Hard spaces can now be entered when searching and replacing.
- PED driving has been improved.

Many other fixes are still in progress.  Thanks for all of your effort
so far.

Best Regards,


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