[drivingpairs] in the beginning......

  • From: "drivingpairs" <drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Pairs List" <drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:05:00 -0500

Way back when combined driving, as a sport  was in it's infancy, fours were the 
only participants at the international level.   I'm not that old, so I don't 
remember whether this was true of advanced CDEs in the US (just 
kidding....actually too old and don't remember).    My point is that there was 
a time when pairs and singles weren't taken seriously and therefore, not 
included as representatives of the US.   Pairs came into the picture later.   
Then singles.   Now, as we all know, ponies are included.   
I personally think the fours folks are still a bit bent out of shape about not 
being an "only child" anymore.   Fours and pairs are not competitors, per se.  
But if only fours folks are on the committee deciding which pairs to send, 
perhaps there isn't enough $$$$ to send both pairs and fours to a national 
competition and the outcome is obvious.

Of course, this is pure conjecture on my part.    We still deserve 
clarification and a valid reason from the committee.   The driving community, 
and especially the pairs drivers who worked so hard to get to that level, 
deserve at least that much.


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