[dokuwiki] .tex instead of .txt in data/pages/

  • From: Ivan Savov <ivan.savov@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:47:28 -0400

Hello everyone,

I am from Montreal and have been a big fan of dokuwiki and all the
neat plugins for a long time.
I am also a big fan of the latex typesetting language (because of
\ref, \pageref and the math).

I was wondering if you think it is possible to overload the mapping
ns1:ns2:page   --> data/pages/ns1/ns2/page.txt
to also look for a data/pages/ns1/ns2/page.tex
and if so run an alternative Parsing routine to get the HTML?

The  .tex to .html conversion I am thinking about two options.

Option 1: .tex --> NewParser --> html
How difficult would it be to reuse the DokuWiki parser but program
higher "priority" rules for parsing simple .tex syntax and commands ?

Option 2: .tex --> pandoc --> dokuwiki .txt -->  DokuParser --> html
Does it make sense to call an external program to convert to
dokuwiki syntax as intermediate representation?
Is calling an external program a security nightmare?

The reason why want to do this is that I am working on a math textbook
(so I prefer to keep the source code TeX based), but I would prefer
to keep around individual snippets of content edited with dokuwiki.

Has anyone played around with alternate parsers,
different input or output formats but reusing all the dokuwiki UI ?


PS: If you want to try pandoc you can check out my work in progress:
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