[dokuwiki] Re: [dokuwiki]

  • From: Chris Smith <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 10:25:25 +0100

Ignazio Mostallino wrote:

I'd like to know if there is some way I can use links with post or get in dokuwiki pages, and of course if I can even get the value of the post and get in the target page... I'd like to embed some php scripts in my dokuwiki but I am facing this problem with get and post...
Hi Ignazio,

I have never tried to do this, but I have made forms for plugins, so I presume the same constraints apply.

- if the link's target or the form's action url is an other Dokuwiki page it should be created with wl($id) function (iirc, inc/common.php). where $id is the page name, the same as you would use write it for an internal link on a page (e.g. [[namespace:namespace:pagename]]).
- use different names from Dokuwiki for your $_GET, $_POST & $_REQUEST vars. I guess the simplest way to do this is to prefix all your names with some unlikely string (e.g. "my_").

For more ideas take a look at those parts of Dokuwiki that put forms on the screen
- login, registration (inc/html (output), inc/auth (form processing))
- acl (lib/plugins/acl/admin.php)
- plugin manager (lib/plugins/plugin/admin.php)

I hope this helps.


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