[dokuwiki] ACL structure advise?

  • From: "Daniel Mitchell" <DanielMitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 16:14:32 -0700

 The ACLs for our wiki are getting increasingly messy. For instance, we

projectFoo:* @ALL 0
projectFoo:* @software 1
projectFoo:* @softwareFooTeam 16

 so that everyone in software can read the Foo pages, and the Foo team
can edit it, and that's all.

 But then as time passes, we've had to add things like:

projectFoo:screenshots:* @documentationTeam 1
projectFoo:testscripts:* @testTeam 1
projectFoo:testscripts:testresults @testTeam 16

 so that some people can read the relevant bits of our pages, and the
test group can edit the results of testing if necessary. And so on, and
so on; there's a lot of little holes punched into the ACL for specific
single pages here and there, which is a pain.

 This seems really messy -- how have other people managed this? One
alternative would be to have some sort of globally writeable "scratch"
area, so I'd have

scratch:* @ALL 16

 and then a scratch:projectFoo_testscripts_testresults page over there,
but that's not really much nicer. Perhaps this is just the way things
have to be if the ACL is going to be this complex, but if anyone's got
experience of managing it and has any suggestions, they'd be gratefully
received here.


 -- dan
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