[DMS red alert !] Orioniden uitbarsting?

  • From: "Koen Miskotte" <k.miskotte@xxxxxx>
  • To: <dmsalertnetwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 19:04:28 +0200

Klaas Jobse meld ongewone Orioniden activiteit wo.o. een -4.
Zijn verhaal ondersteunt meldingen vanuit de VS over ongewone Orioniden 
Bekend waarnemer Kim Youmans meld rates tot 40 per uur met veel helder spul. 
Vooral dat laatste is ongewoon. Zijn waarneming wordt ondersteunt door een 
andere waarnemer.
Misschien wordt het helder in de nanacht in het westen van het land.
Opletten dus.

I spent three hours observing before dawn this morning and had an incredible 
night --  I had Orionid rates that I don't ever recall having before in the 
past.  Here's hoping someone can confirm the following rates:
Observing Site  -- East Georgia, USA

7:00 - 8:00  UT  ORI (28)  SPO (09)  STA (03)  LMI (1)
8:00 - 9:00  UT  ORI (34)  SPO(06)  EGE(3) STA(1) NTA(1)
9:00 -10:00 UT  ORI (39)  SPO(11) EGE(2)

I observed 138 meteors in three hours teff, with each hour having Orionid 
rates at double or more than double the expected amount...I had a great many 
bright members including a -4 that left a 1-minute+ persistant train!
It will be later this weekend before I can reduce everything and have a full 
report ready.

Kim Youmans 
Set up after local midnight until 12:30 UT watching
the Orionids.Things stated off slow but slowly built
until a hell of a show started around 10:30 UT and was
still going until the last hand full of stars were in
the sky around 12:30UT just before sunrise.I was out
just trying to video an Orionid crossing over the
Orion Nebula.At times I had two Orionids at a time
coming in nearly side by side,many with great
trains.Most Orionid durations were in the 1 to 1.5
second range with train duration about the same.Most
Orionids were white but there was a few that were blue
and blue-white.What the rate was an hour I could not
say but it had to be well over the predicted average
for this shower.The coolest  meteor shower I have
observed since Leonids storm a few years back.One
other note is that I go a distinct impression that I
was watching two radiant that was active.The strong
radiant was the traditional Orionid radiant but
another weak one seem to be just to the  east
south-east of Betelgeuse maybe about five degrees.What
every was going on with the Orionids it was worth stay
up all night for.Also had a lot of dim Orionids that
look to be no more than a point source terminal
flash.Had clear sky with a limiting magnitude of
around +5.8.As I said was not out count meteors this
morning just trying to capture a few Orionids on
video.Wow!What a gas!
Thomas Dorman

Tijdens kometenwacht afgelopen nacht rond 1 uur UT een paar
opklaringen gehad met opvallende Orioniden aktiviteit. Net voordat de
all-sky startte was een -4 exemplaar zichtbaar nabij Castor.
Groet, en clear skies,


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