[ddots-l] Drumagog 5 Platinum Hsc

  • From: Rui Vilarinho <ruialby@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ddots-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 17:07:31 +0000

Below goes a dropLink with a  zip fil file, inside the folder you will find
the 3 files to paste at your Hsc set's folder.

I must say that this set only work if you make the same Drumagog adjustments
as me.

First, I dont use Drumagog audio sample, no fx, only some inspector pain
button parameters like the midi channel, blend, etc, .
I only use Drumagog to get the hoste feature, to trigger Superior drummer
audio samples.
So, this set  even being quite basic , was hard to find a way to use this
hoste possibility.
For you to understand better: i came across a very unaccessible pull down
menu list, of all VST's that Drumagog recognized and show.
We need to press that plugin hoste view button, than open the list and loock
for the plugin you want to use. But, Drumagog shows thousands of VST's, not
good at all.
So, to make it to work, you gotta ask someone to delete of the list
thousands of unnecessary listed plugin's and let only the one's you gonna
use the most.
In my case, I only let the Superior and Ez drummer plugin's at the list.
Therefor, now that they are all the time at the same position, this way was
possible to develop  2 hotkeys to load them.

In adition, once Superior drummer view is open within Drumagog 5 Platinum
host view,  I had to make some Superior Drummer hotkeys, for example: select
a new DrumKit, presets, etc.


good music,
Rui Vilarinho

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  • » [ddots-l] Drumagog 5 Platinum Hsc - Rui Vilarinho