[cryptome] Re: My Most Humble And Sincere Apologies to Nicola Sturgeon and the French Consul

  • From: Shaun O'Connor <capricorn8159@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 13:18:56 +0100

that assertion re Bin laden was probably inserted in an attempt to sway
public opinion in an attempt to legitimize the practice of nurture.
especially since the report on turture has received wider circulation
and well deserved criticism imho

On 23/05/2015 09:46, Douglas Rankine wrote:

See url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-32849065

Dear Colleagues,

It appears that my assertion on this list that Nicola Sturgeon, the
Leader of the SNP did not in fact make the remarks that I attributed
to her at a private meeting between her and the French Consul, some
time ago. It was in fact made up, a product of a vivid, creative
liberal and democratic mind out to win the General Election, by a
Liberal/Democratic politician who put it out before the election, so
as to lose her credence and credibility before the Scottish voters,
and gain the same for himself. Another product of the Nation State’s
Dirty Tricks department.

Nicola Sturgeon is in fact a very nice Scottish Lady politician, Like
Alex Salmond, truthful, honest and incorruptible to a fault...and will
serve the Scottish people very well in David Cameron’s Conservative
Government...and will not be eating bacon sandwiches in public or
undermining his credibility in Europe.

This statement is written in stone, so please place it on your local
version of Mount Sinai as soon as possible.

Like him, I therefore withdraw any entitlements, or emoluments I may
have been about to receive from the generous members of this mailing
list, amounting to a total of £17,000....in case I become a Minister
without Portfolio in Mr. Cameron’s government. Though, also like
him, I will not be contemplating resigning as a Gaelic M.P. We do not
have enough dishonest M.P.s in parliament to keep the balance of
integrity equal.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Rankine. B.F. SO NFG & Ball Locks.

P.S., Did you know that a leading CIA official is asserting that Bin
Laden was caught due to the information received from one of his
cohorts through torture? One learns sumfink new every day... J.




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